Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is what I love

The weekends. Can I just express how much I love the weekends. I live for them. And here is why, 48 hours with Devin. Our schedules are basically opposite right now in our lives, so we never get to see each other. I leave before he wakes up and then he works nights, so I am often asleep when he gets home. Or if I am awake it is only for 30 minutes. But during the weekends, we get to spend two full days together. It is about the best thing.

I also love babies. Not that I am anywhere close to having my own, but there were lots of baby things this weekend. My sister-in-laws baby was blessed today, so we spent the weekend with his family and it was so much fun. The blessing was lovely and baby Davis is pretty stinking cute. He had a rough start, but is fat and happy now. Love him.

My brother and his wife also had baby #3 this week, which is wonderfully fun. Baby Reese Lael. We are going up to meet her tomorrow evening. Pretty excited about this. In all of the baby things happening I sometimes ponder having one of my own, but then I remember that I am so not ready. Ha. But really. I really appreciate playing with them and I freaking love them to death, but more than that, I love sending them home to their parents. I don't think that makes me a bad person :) My time will come soon enough I am sure. In the meantime I am loving all of the babies around us.

I love this time of year too. The fall, and the crispness of the air. I love that sweatshirts are now socially acceptable. I wear them year round, but I get some really weird looks. It is expected to wear them at this time of the year. I love, Love, LOVE the holiday season. I am quite excited for it this year. How fun to have a husband to celebrate with. Love him. This sounds a little 'Seriously So Blessed' right now. I think I just threw up a little at how cheesy all of this sounds. I may have to stop soon before a toss my tacos all over my computer. Haha. In any case, life is wonderful.

the end

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